Have a question?
Call us: 817.319.1121
Opening hours
Monday – Friday : 8am – 6pm
Other Times By Appointment
We’ve got all your roofing needs covered.
With over 20 years of experience in the construction and roofing industry, you can trust us with your most valuable asset.
At DHW Custom Roofing, “We’ve got you covered.”
With over 20 years of experience in roofing and construction, we can feel confident in always guaranteeing customer satisfaction.
Photo Gallery of Completed Projects
Below are some projects we’re completed over the past couple of years. We take great pride in our work and would love to add your home to our photo gallery after the new roof is added!
Click on any image to launch a larger slideshow of each of them.
Free roof inspections. Be sure to call us after a storm, or before you’re planning to sell.
Free roof inspections. Be sure to call us after a storm, or before you’re planning to sell.
With over 20 years of construction and roofing projects, you can trust us with your most valuable asset.

Dean Willman
Dean Willman was born and raised in Texas, a Navy Veteran with Vietnam service. Dean has been married for over 37 years and lived in Tarrant County for 36 years.
He has over 20 years of experience in roofing and construction. DHW Custom Roofing is certified in attic ventilation from Lomanco, the leader in attic ventilation products. DHW is also a certified installer of CertainTeed and GAF shingles. A certified installation guarantees the manufacturer’s warranty is applied to your new roof. DHW is also fully insured and bonded for your protection.
DHW Custom Roofing has worked with several of the leading realtors in the DFW area for many years and always guarantees customer satisfaction

CertainTeed Certified

Lomanco Certified
GAF Certified
Contact us
We offer a free roof inspection for your home. We most often visit homes after a hail storm, or as they are preparing to sell. It’s always better to identify a problem BEFORE the home inspection than trying to negotiate after the fact.